fit of piqueの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. In fits of pique, Ricky would revert to speaking Spanish.
  2. One or two may be stifling action out of fits of pique.
  3. The Clintons'calculated fit of pique was an invitation to impasse.
  4. In a minor fit of pique, Elk City opened its own.
  5. Some Europeans believe this is merely a fit of pique.


  1. "fit music"の例文
  2. "fit note"の例文
  3. "fit of coughing"の例文
  4. "fit of fury"の例文
  5. "fit of passion"の例文
  6. "fit of rage"の例文
  7. "fit of temper"の例文
  8. "fit on"の例文
  9. "fit on screen"の例文
  10. "fit onto"の例文
  11. "fit of fury"の例文
  12. "fit of passion"の例文
  13. "fit of rage"の例文
  14. "fit of temper"の例文

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